Musings on sexuality, sex education, and all things related.

Consent is Both Mandatory and Awesome
Consent for sexual activity has only recently been widely involved in sex education for young people. This is shocking to me, since it is the fundamental foundation on which all sexual activity is built! Consent should be taught by parents and teachers from Day 1.
It is never too early to learn about bodily autonomy for yourself and others!

4 Assumptions You Might Be Making About Your Sex Life
It is hard to talk openly about sex. There are so few examples of open sexual communication, that it is a wonder anyone can do it at all!
Because so many of us communicate so poorly about sex, we are left to rely on assumptions about our partners’ desires based on brief conversations, what we see in mainstream media, and porn.
Take my friend Sarah. For the first 10 years of her marriage, she thought her husband, Eric, was repulsed by anal sex…

Do You Think Men are From Mars and Women are From Venus?
Do you believe Men are From Mars and Women are from Venus?
I was 12 years old when I stumbled across the book Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus by John Gray while visiting my aunt and uncle. I was already curious about sex and relationships, so I picked it up. As a kid I was a voracious and fast reader, so I was able to get through most of it in less than a day.
I hated it.